- Completeness level
- Location (with GPS option)
- Last collection time
- Internal bin temperature
- Battery level of completeness control equipment
- Completeness control equipment signal level
Platform EasyBin
Save on cost and waste collection time by using the EasyBin system which monitors the level of fullness of any bin within your municipality. Automatic bin monitoring provides timely alerts when they are full, offering a better route planning, while ensuring that no vehicle visits are wasted and that unsightly bin overflows are a thing of the past. EasyBin Automatic bin monitoring provides timely alerts when they are full, offering a better route planning, while ensuring that no vehicle visits are wasted and that unsightly bucket overflows are a thing of the past.

- In reducing overflowing bins
- In the harvest of large bins only
- In the calculation of waste collected in public places
- In fuel saving in the municipal garbage trucks
- To detect possible thefts from bins (using GPS)
- To reduce unnecessary routes
- In fuel saving and reducing CO2 emissions
- To increase the efficiency of the operation of the cleaning department of the municipality
Advantages of the platform EasyBin
Platform EasyBin EasyBin platform is not limited to garbage collection. The nPod sensors can be placed in almost any container to monitor its condition when you want to know the fullness level, sending an alert if it has caught fire, moved or overturned.
With EasyBin you do not just buy sensors and software, but you gain our maintained and secure service, along with our technical experience and ongoing support.