The EasyBin Collect subsystem offers you a reduction in both cost and waste collection time. Automatic monitoring of bin fullness provides timely alerts when full, allowing for better harvesting planning, ensuring that no visits are missed and that unsightly bucket overflows are a thing of the past.
The EasyBin Collect subsystem will be used by garbage truck operators to receive work orders from the EasyBin central system. In addition, information is provided on proposed routes and the estimated duration of routes. During the work, the driver has the opportunity to report the field information to the central administration. If for any reason a bin cannot be serviced, the EasyBin Collect subsystem will notify EasyBin HUB that a bin has been lost from the collection path so that it can be logged to the network administrator. In total, the subsystem offers you:
- Automatic routing throughout the network of bins
- Collection of data from the field, including photos
- Report unsuccessful collections
- Alerts